Thursday, March 26, 2009

3/26 Good week so far...

Taylor has had a very good week thus far. Her follow up with the pulmonologist went very well and he doesn't need to see her again until late May unless she gets a bad cold or we have a concern. Yea! She has also it the 11 pound mark - finally. She is gaining almost an ounce an day, which we are thrilled about. Still only about 10th percentile for weight but gaining well. :)

We are in the process of interviewing child care candidates to take care of her in our home from now until June. We have been blessed by referrals from friends and our church and are very hopeful we will have someone special to take care of her very soon. I plan to be back to work full time starting the week of April 13.

Thank you to the Franklin Glen community and mom's co-op for taking care of meals for us twice a week. We are so appreciative! Thank you also to the Oak Hill PTA for the gift of meals from Dinner Done. We are very well taken care of!!!

Please continue to keep all of us in your prayers and especially for Taylor's continued health and growth.


  1. Amy - your family remains in our prayers. I can't wait to see you this summer - I owe you a meal or two. I didn't think it would last if I mailed it. 8-)

  2. Love you lots and pray for you often.
