Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday July 6, 2009

Today has been a busy day for Taylor at the hospital. Seemed like everyone was catching up from the holiday weekend and checking in. She was seen by the speech therapist, OT and PT and we were given suggestions for exercises to help her get moving and also to get her back on the bottle from and off the feeding tube.

Her oxygen saturation has been steadily increasing to the upper 70s to 82 since she was started on nebulizer treatments yesterday afternoon. They have really helped with her congestion and this afternoon the pulminologist was pleased with her progress and didn't see any significant differences in her chest x ray from Friday. Good news overall...

However, she does still have the clot in her left groin area and there has been discussion about whether or not it has gotten bigger or stayed the same. The radiologist feels it has increased in size while the cardiologist feels that we can't really judge its size since it was first noticed when her central line was there and her leg has improved (reduced swelling and better color) since the line came out Friday morning. She will have a blood test later tonight to check on the level of the anti-coagulant in her system and to determine next steps for the clot issue. Jason and I feel her leg looks remarkably better but we'll wait to see what the blood work looks like. Dr. Thompson, the cardiologist who did the cath procedure on her two weeks ago feels that her body will resolve this herself and he wants to wait and see what happens.

When her blood is drawn tonight they will also do some blood cultures because Taylor has had a slight fever today (99.5-100.7). It has come down this afternoon which is encouraging but she has had a urine culture and will have her blood looked at to be safe since her white blood count has increased since it was taken on July 1. She could be fighting a virus or an infection related to the clot so the doctors want to cover all bases and rule things out. Fine with us.

On the feeding front - her tube was moved up from her intestine to her stomach and we will see overnight how she tolerates the stomach processing her food (blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, etc.) before trying her on the bottle tomorrow. The speech clinician will come back tomorrow to see how she does and make recommendations.

Taylor has been a very sleepy girl today - almost all day! She was awake for some of the morning and for about 45 minutes this afternoon. We think her body is either fighting against whatever virus she might have and/or just catching up after several restless nights. My hope is that she stays stable and comfortable through the night so I can sleep too - but we shall see what happens.

Please continue to pray for Taylor's recovery and especially for her to clear the recent hurdles we are encountering. She "looks" great!

Jason, Cam, Em and I are doing well juggling home and hospital and keeping regular family routines as much as possible. We are very grateful to our good friends the Johnsons for hosting us on 4th of July, Vicki McGorty for coordinating meals for us over the last week and into the future, our pastors for continually checking in on us and for all of your calls and emails. We will continue to keep everyone posted and hope for more positive news to share tomorrow or Wednesday.

Taylor, Amy, Jason, Cameron and Emileigh

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