Taylor continues to make steady progress. She was moved
from PICU to the regular pediatric floor Friday evening
and will move again to a private room later today. Yippee!!!
She still has a feeding tube and we are working with the doctors
To get approval for her to try a bottle before Monday when
She will have a speech eval. She will also have a follow up
Ultrasound on her left leg to make sure the clot is breaking up
Where her central line was. 8 Days Post surgery
The hardest part now is waiting and trying to keep her on her
Back! Every time she can she is trying to figure out how to
Roll over. Tough to do with an IV, feeding tube and wires taped
To your chest, not to mention a healing incision!
She looks great! I will try to post moe pictures soon. I am
Writing this from my blackberry as I don't have my computer
Jason is doing some activities with the kids and then will stay the night tonight.
Thanks again for your continued prayers, calls, emails, meals and help with Cameron and Emileigh. We hope to continue to be able to share good news.
LOL and Happy 4th of July!!!
from PICU to the regular pediatric floor Friday evening
and will move again to a private room later today. Yippee!!!
She still has a feeding tube and we are working with the doctors
To get approval for her to try a bottle before Monday when
She will have a speech eval. She will also have a follow up
Ultrasound on her left leg to make sure the clot is breaking up
Where her central line was. 8 Days Post surgery
The hardest part now is waiting and trying to keep her on her
Back! Every time she can she is trying to figure out how to
Roll over. Tough to do with an IV, feeding tube and wires taped
To your chest, not to mention a healing incision!
She looks great! I will try to post moe pictures soon. I am
Writing this from my blackberry as I don't have my computer
Jason is doing some activities with the kids and then will stay the night tonight.
Thanks again for your continued prayers, calls, emails, meals and help with Cameron and Emileigh. We hope to continue to be able to share good news.
LOL and Happy 4th of July!!!
Great News! We are so thrilled she is doing better! Love you!