Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 2, 2011 - Day 23

Well...we are still here. Sorry no posts for a few days. We were bummed to learn Thursday that Taylor's Chylothorax had not healed and the full fat diet caused about 300 cc of fluid to pool in the right chest cavity. So the low drainage we had accomplished earlier in the week was eradicated and we had to revert to fat free again.
Good new...the drain is still sunctioning well and the fluid drained off quickly Thursday. It drastically reduced Friday and is even less today.

The plan is to get back to a very low level and then pull out the chest tube and go home with a strict fat free diet for about a month. No problem!!!

Bad news...we are stuck here through July 4th and all of us have just about had enough,especially T. Cam and Em visited today after the swim meet and Jason is now home with them and will enjoy two neighborhood BBQs tonight. Sigh...I will go home tomorrow and switch for neighborhood fireworks and happy hour.

So many have offered to assist us with shopping, the kids, etc and we greatly appreciated it!! The meals and nutritious snacks from the Maniks, McClesky's, Miriam R., the Hodinkos and Gareys are so appreciated. Hope to see you all very, very soon. LOve to all!!!

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