Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 3 - Good Day

Taylor had a good day today. She started to de-accessorize as the nurses call it. Her arterial line came out, she is now off the CPAP and on to a high humidity nasal cannula. We could actually see her little face again. Two of her IV lines were taken out as well and she is off all sedation and pain meds. She had a little Tylenol with Codeine earlier this evening to help her relax because even though she is receiving formula through a feeding tube, her tummy doesn't feel full and she keeps looking for a bottle. The hope is that once the pressure in her nasal is reduced a bit more, she can start bottle feeding again. We are hoping that will happen tomorrow.

I was with her all day and saw her personality coming back. No smiles yet...I don't think she trusts anyone who comes near her bedside right now and I don't blame her. She was very alert and active today as well.

The doctors are very pleased with her progress, but are watching her closely as they don't want her to cause any more drama like she did Saturday! We are thrilled with the steady, slow progress.

Thanks to Meghan Lamm who kept all of us fed through the weekend as well as tonight. Loved the Enchiladas!!

Thanks for the continued prayers, emails and cards. Let's keep praying for daily improvement!


  1. Hooray for no tubes blocking that sweet little face! We love that baby and the rest of you all. Moving on to praying for drama-free days of steady progress and sucking down bottles soon.
    All our love,
    The Severns

  2. This was such a great update to read! Soooo happy things are starting to settle down and Taylor is getting a chance to be Taylor again! Still thinking about you guys every day and sending hopeful prayers your way! Remember, "slow and steady wins the race"! We know Taylor is a fighter and a winner! Hang in there! :o)

    Heather Baker

  3. So glad to hear she's making progress! How wonderful that you get to see her face and see her personality again. We continue to think of you and to say our prayers for Taylor.

    Stephanie Robertson Stolte
