Saturday, February 28, 2009

Surgery Summary and Recovery Day 1 - 2/28

Taylor had pulmonary band surgery on Friday, 2/27 first thing. The surgery went very well - just as the cardiac surgeon expected and the heart is performing well. The real trick to this surgery is getting Taylor's breathing under control and "relaxing" the lungs.

Friday evening I stayed with Taylor until the doctors removed her breathing tube and had her breathing on her own. She was doing well with some oxygen assistance. Jason and I heeded the doctor's advice and headed home to sleep knowing Taylor was in great care in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. I checked on her via phone twice and she was doing well.

Just after I called the hospital Saturday morning to inquire on how she was doing, Taylor started having some significant breathing difficulties. Jason and I were called to the hospital. I really didn't know what to expect to see when I arrived and prepared myself for the worst. Thankfully, what I saw was our little fighter very upset and struggling with the nasal canula trying to breath, with her right fist in the air. However, since she was in such distress and her breathing was not what the doctors wanted to see, they reinserted her breathing tube and sedated her.

After the team conferred a new plan was developed. They felt that they learned quite a bit about Taylor's respiratory issues from today's episode and decided to let her rest and recover more from her surgery throughout the weekend. She is currently sedated, resting comfortably and breathing with assistance. She has received steroids to help her airway relax and to alleviate any swelling. A feeding tube was inserted since she cannot bottle feed right now and they want to keep her strength and weight up.

On Monday they will try to remove the tube again and treat Taylor with a mixture of Helium and Oxygen - apparently this is easier on the lungs. Because Taylor's pulmonary artery has been so enlarged, her aorta has been pressed against her airway and is continuing to cause breathing difficulties. She also has some trachialmalasia - or a "floppy airway" which she will outgrow. We had been told by the doctors that they were not sure how quickly she would respond once the band was in place and how the airway would react. It is going to be several days of trial and error to get her breathing comfortably on her own.

We are grateful for all of the prayers, phone calls, emails, food, child care help, etc. Thank you for understanding when we can't call you back or respond immediately. We hope that you will visit the blog often for updates on Taylor. Remember that when there isn't any new news that is not a bad thing! :) We are looking for slow and steady progress over the next several days and weeks so that Taylor can come home and continue to recuperate and prepare for her next surgery this summer.

Prayer request: Strength for Taylor to master breathing without the tube and to be comfortable. Continued progress!!!


  1. Amy and Jason,
    Our thoughts are with you. We are happy to hear that Taylor is out of surgery. We will pray for her speedy recovery. Please let us know if we can be of any help. I will keep in touch with Vicky, Julia and the others for updates. We wish your family the very best!
    Anita, Ash, Anjali and Ananya ( The Murthys)

  2. Glad to hear that Taylor is a fighter--- keep it up girl!!! Just a heads up... Alex hated the nasal canula too--- they eventually snipped the ends off to make it just send O2 up her nose but it still allowed her to suck her binky. Much better result (even though the respiratory guys didn't like the idea). PLEASE let us know if there is anything that we can do to help. I know that it is just a time and weight gain thing, but know that we will help in any way that you need us to. Best wishes and lots of prayers--
    Tara and Jim Hagy (and Tori, Noelle, and Alex too)

  3. Dear Amy and Jason,
    My sister, Linda Brock, asked that your family be added to my congregation's prayer list. Please know that you are being lifted in prayer by the entire congregation of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Attleboro, MA! May this bring you all comfort and much health and healing.

    Pastor Julie Haspel-Schoenfeld
