Surgery Day - June 9, 2011
T's day started at 5 AM with a surgical scrub at home, clean jammies and a trip to the Fairfax pediatric pre-op center. After riding in a Radio Flyer car to the OR, I walked her in and waited with her until she was fully sedated. The surgery took approximately 4 hours with no complications and she was tucked into the PICU by 2 PM. Shortly after that she began to wake up and her breathing tube was removed so she could begin to breathe on her own. WOW! What a different experience than her last two surgeries!!! The doctors and nurses were very, very pleaseed with her progress so early on.
Overnight she began to talk and share complaints about her arterial and central lines, the lights, the oxygen, and her pulse-ox monitor. Everything became an "owie". I stayed with her and we rested in cycles of about one hour - 30-45 minutes of sleep and then 15 minutes or so of soothing. She did great!
This morning during the surgeon's rounds they ordered her to be taken off all IV meds and to have her lines removed. She has already started on her oral medication again. Her oxygen support is minimal and will likely be removed later today along with possibly her chest tube since it is not draining much anymore. Her catheter was already removed this morning.
Jason is here now along with our amazing nanny Ashley. Yesterday we were very grateful for the visits from one of our pastors Barbara Minor, and close friends Babs and Stacey, along with Ashley. We are also so thankful for the meals we have received from Sarah Zelasko, Jen Dausch, Cathy Lahr and the Lulls. We have been overwhelmed with help and support for all of us including supervision and rides for Cameron and Emileigh to their various activities. We feel truly blessed in so many ways.
When we arrived here yesterday I found out that a friend and colleague from FCPS was also here as her daughter, also named Taylor, was undergoing heart transplant surgery. It was successful and we have been in contact via email. Please keep both Taylors in your prayers for continued strength and full recovery.
As always we are amazed by and extremely grateful to the compassionate, talented staff at INOV Fairfax.
I am going to go home tonight and sleep a bit and Jason will stay overnight here. His parents are coming to town this afternoon to help us through the weekend. It is quite possible that Taylor will be moved to the regular pediatric floor late this evening or tomorrow morning - one step closer to the door!!!
Love to all!
Amy, Jason and Taylor
We're thrilled to hear that Taylor is recovering so nicely. I hope you all get some hard-earned rest tonight and pray for Taylor's speedy and uneventful recovery. Thanks for the updates!
ReplyDeletethe Rakestraws
Taylor- you're a rockstar!! We are so impressed with how quickly you're cruising through the steps of recovery- and we LOVE your sweet ride down to the OR!
Chris, Linzy, Abby and Hayley
Wonderful news! So glad that the surgery went smoohtly & that things are progressing well with Taylor post-op! She is a strong little girl! Hope you get some rest mommy, as I know often these things are almost harder on mom than the child. Thanks for the updates! We'll continue to hold Taylor in our thoughts & prayers.