It has been a long time since we have posted an update on Taylor and we are thrilled to share that she is THRIVING!
Taylor is a happy, typically developing almost 2 year old and is so much fun! She has quite a spunky little personality and loves to be at the pool, outside and with her brother and sister.
We are so grateful to the staff a INOVA Fairfax and want to give back. Our entire family will be participating in the Star Kid 8K on 10/10/10 at George Mason University and our goal is to raise at least $2000 for the program.
Please visit Taylor's page: http://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=344295&lis=1&kntae344295=930D060493E74B778786BB412048F832&supId=297787941
We are grateful for your ongoing support and prayers! Taylor has a round of appointments with her doctors this month and we expect to begin discussing surgery #3 and planning for it for the summer of 2011. We will keep you posted!
The Goodloe Family
Amy, Jason, Cameron, Emileigh and Taylor